Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Back Again Just in Time

Well, hello there. Back again after a hiatus but just in time not to allow the mundane silence to cross an year! Well, on ekind of achievement. Last year like the year before and the year before that has been hectic with frenzied back and forth trips. Problems never seem to ebb but flow all the more. Its been a rollercoaster. The travel was good with more trips and more engagements with some enriching experiences. Made a couple of more good friends all around the globe.

Its back to some work which for the first time seems to be engrossing and engaging other than the mundane **** that happens all the time. Life's moved on but in a time warp. The warp zone is something that is to be exited and moved on with when relative comparisons are made.

Will be back with more and for more..hold on!