Friday, August 25, 2006


Life and a game of CHESS!

Find similarities?
Strategy,Timing,Sacrifices,Thoughts and Thoughts,Happiness,Sad,Elation,Disappointment...its a long Queue there......

The moves that we make are calculated and risks foreseen! We Play our pawns right to suceed in overcoming the opponent - in this case LIFE itself! We sacrifice a pawn here and there to gain a bigger share of that elusive dream called "LIFE"!

But,at the same time we need to play the game so that even many moves down the line the opponent finds it diffcult to budge us ..but only makes a move to protect him/herself (itself!).

Wishing all the best to the best players in this game of CHESS called LIFE!

**Comments are more than welcome** :)


RK said...

Nicely written.

And a game played just to win may not be the most interesting one. A game played for fun could be. So Live It to the Full Extend (LIFE).

And in CHESS, we normally wont enjoy burning for others but in LIFE sometimes we do.

VenkatR said...

Hmm..the thought of fun in life is essential to relax. But, I wonder how much we can withstand?

anyways...CHESS, now this is interesting. I think burning = jealousy here. Opponet wins =U Burn...:)
but, on a more serious note, every good move by the opponent showcases our loopholes and our ability to think.We didnt look at all the possibilities maybe? So, CHESS doe shave this trait too, we need to look deeper into it.