Wednesday, November 04, 2009

advertising and ethics

today came across the news of a 26 yr old man suing HUL on its AXE brand of product. its amusing though how he loyally followed the ad and tried to woo girls and finally got hit by the maid by a broom when he tried to entice her. thats the funny side. on the serious side of it, are advertisements just another big bloat up of the capabilities of products? maybe yes maybe no. lets take the surf ka safedi ad and check how many ppl agree to the claims made or lux or dove or many other brands. with greater visibility and a greater market share come greater responsibility and greater heed to cater to the right need of the customer. This case will also vanish from the public mind BUT, remember that these brands are here to stay and they will innovate and grow again. Will anyone buy it, yeah! why not supply and demand u c. But the final caveat is the fact that the brand and the co. name have taken a beating. its very essential to handle this irritating matter very subtly and come up with an ad that re-inforces the trust on that brand. How? well am not paid to say that :-)

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