Friday, November 06, 2009

It's a wet and gloomy day in B'lore

Yeah...and in Karnataka too. A peace on a 6-point formula has been arrived at the state govt. level after intervention from its parent party. Hope this gets resolved soon and such bickerings don't hurt the state of the people. The recent damage that the floods have created is far beyond measure. Though from Nov 8th the govt. is to start off again on this front, the extensive damage to physical and mental health of people affected cannot be forgotten. This cannot be reversed! If there is sincere concern then this needs double the effort and get the chances of an epidemic in such climactic conditions becoming minor. Many, and god knows how many and where, are suffering in the pathetic conditions. The city conditions are no better with the civic amenities waking up only after the storm has hit rather than send the concerned to the bunker when there are enough signs of one. Hope ! is what remains and will take the afflicted out of their misery.

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